Ali has shared her powerful message over 500 times nationwide.
Her motivating message can be adapted to fit any audience.
Among the themes for the fire service:
Mental health and suicide prevention education
Addressing cultural issues in the fire service
Ali’s 8 Steps to Pave Your Own Way
Trauma recovery & normalizing mental health struggles
For any other group:
Sexual assault & post traumatic stress disorder recovery
Embracing the gift of challenge
Discovering and harnessing your unique strengths
Performing beyond limitations set by yourself or others
Ali delivered her first TED Talk in February 2019.
“If you need to bring in a speaker, this is the one person you should consider.”
“Ali’s message is powerful. Nobody talks and nobody leaves. She definitely grabs your attention.”
“One of the best presenters I’ve ever heard.”
Ali believes that “empowered women empower women.” She loves to talk about being a woman business owner and the role we can all play in lifting each other up.
Ali is passionate about normalizing mental health struggles. She speaks openly about her experiences with sexual assault and the factors that led to her PTSD diagnosis.